Thursday, August 9, 2007

Craving Crafts...

Despite my best efforts I caught my partner's summer cold and I am miserable. But to make matters worst, the weather has turned colder (60's) and I feel it in my bones that we are in for an early fall.

Deep breath.... I LOVE FALL... The weather begins to cool after a hot summer and I am practically giddy with anticipation.... Fall is the season for home arts... redecorate the house, prepare for holidays, knit a scarf, sew a hat, cook a stew... I could go on and most likely will in the coming months.

My studio/craft area is still under construction and I am in a mad dash to have it up and ready to go by September 1st. Meanwhile, I am taking classes, to master the many skills that have eluded me... Last week jewelry, next week sewing and the week after knitting.

This year my goal is to make all of my holiday cards and presents, (with the exception of a few things for my sweetie and my family) I have enough yarn, fabric, buttons,beads and assorted dodads to stock my own craft supply store.

In years past I have done scarves and bath salts. My plans for this year blow these old stand bys out of the water... I have page after page of sketches and plans for stuff the likes of which many would easily pay real money for....

But first, I must get better *sniffle* and dig out my craft room..... In the meantime, I am really digging this site and drinking lots of Theraflu.

1 comment:

suttonhoo said...

yay fall! bah colds! so sorry you guys are suffering. lovin' these posts, though -- especially the pics. :)