Thursday, January 17, 2008

PreSpring Relief

I am always astounded and impressed at the little tricks I use to delude myself in the name optimism. First and foremost, there are 5 seasons.

  • Fall- the Hallmark commercial kind with Irish wool sweaters, walks on the beach, cake donuts and warm cider (Sept-Nov)

  • Winter-the Christmas is wonderful, let's knit in front of the fire, drink cocoa and put antlers on the cat (Dec)

  • Pre-Spring - the Winter is a state of mind let's ignore it, where I grow scented geraniums on my windowsill, peruse plant catalogs, fantasize about Wellies, wear pink and determine how many tomatoes to plant(Jan - Feb)

  • Spring - the "this is why I live in the Pacific Northwest", where I hit every garden sale from Seattle to Tacoma, marvel at every little spec of nature, sing to myself and dance under my cherry tree as the blooms fall like snow (March-June)

  • Summer - the let's leave work at 4:00pm everyday, competitive barbeque, set up the vegetable cam in my garden (so I can watch the plants grow from work), stare at the water and read in the sun (July-August)
One of my favorite Pre-Spring rituals is the NW Flower and Garden show. This year, I am making it a two day affair and taking a day off work. I attend workshops, gossip about Marigolds, shop for Wellies, ooh and ahh at the show gardens, and smile for two days straight. The picture above is from last year's show. A retro modern garden in orange.

So remember, Winter is over... this is Pre-Spring

1 comment:

suttonhoo said...

pre-spring already? HOORAY!

so glad you're splurging and giving yourself a day off for this one -- what a great plan.