Saturday, January 20, 2007

Still Life with Cat

Last week after years of thinking about it, I went and bought a digital camera. I went to 3 big box stores and after receiving the polar opposite of help and customer service, I found myself at a little camera shop in the mall. The gentleman at the counter answered my questions, let me try 17 different cameras and spent well over an hour with me. By night's end, I had purchased this, with all the requisite accessories.

Over the next two days, I took 63 pictures trying every button on the camera I could find. Only two of the pictures were even remotely decent. That has led me to surmise the following:

  • This photography stuff is a hell of a lot harder than certain people make it look.
  • Light is important... I get it now!
  • Sleeping cats make the best models
  • And just because you find 63 pictures of a sleeping cat and yarn fascinating, does not mean your partner will...

1 comment:

suttonhoo said...

keep snapping! they don't start to get good until you clear 500 or so... ;)